The “ThreeForMe” Icon laser treatment provides the best results on three of the following common aging and sun-related skin conditions:
1. Wrinkles
2. Discoloration i.e.. sunspots, age spots, freckles, etc.
3. Vascular lesions and facial redness (rosacea, spider veins, blood vessels)
The first step is to schedule your complimentary consultation. During your consultation, your provider will determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure based on a variety of personal factors. You may schedule your consultation and your 1st of the 3 laser sessions simultaneously if desired. The procedure is performed in two steps, or what your physician may refer to as “passes”.
The first pass will use an Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology to treat discoloration for a more even-looking appearance.
Pass One Targets:
1. sun-damage such as freckles, brown spots, or age spots
2. Unwanted facial veins including broken blood vessels, spider veins and rosacea
The second pass will use a “microbeam” laser technology that will gently renew the skin for a
smoother-looking appearance.
Pass Two Targets:
1. Production of new collagen and elastin
2. Reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, scars and other surface imperfections and texture issues.
This treatment targets the deeper layers of skin while leaving the top layer intact. This means minimal downtime! After the treatment, you may experience some minor redness and swelling similar to a sunburn. This should resolve in just a couple days but you can
wear makeup to conceal any redness. Sunscreen is imperative.
You will see continued improvement in the skin’s appearance over the next few weeks following treatment as well as after subsequent treatments. Highly visible results immediately after each individual treatment include removal or reduction of facial veins along with a darkening of the brown spots. Initial darkening is desired. These spots will flake off over the next week to 10 days leaving you with a glowing, clear appearance. Progressive results over the next six months include the reduction of any fine lines, wrinkles or scarring
After purchase, please call to book an appointment, mention service purchased and have order number ready for credit to be applied towards your appointment. Order will be fulfilled when you come in for the appointment.